What is a confection “TATE ONBASHIRA”

We can buy many confections at gift shop in Japan. But this TATE ONBASHIRA is only buy at Suwa region gift shop. I will introduce some confections can buy only at local like this.


TATE ONBASHIRA means “Rear a ONBASHIRA pillar”. This “TATE ONBASHIRA” confections made for festival and it has produced at local factory. Illustration of ONBASHIRA festival has been drawn on this package.




A package has 8 pieces Wafer. All of them are packed in one plastic pack.




This is plate-like confection. Each confection has been individually packaged and package color is brown like ONBASHIRA pillar.






Wafer biscuits contain white cream. It is three layer Wafer and two layer of white cream.



